Архив метки: Писатели

Топики, темы и сочинения по английскому языку о писателях.

William Shakespeare (biography)


William’s father, John Shakespeare, moved to Strat­ford-on-Avon about 1550 and became a tradesman. His wife, the writer’s mother, Mary Arden, was the daughter of a rich farmer.

John Shakespeare and his wife lived in a two-storey house in Hanley Street. Simple and ordinary ­looking, this house is still one of the most famous places in the world. For here, in a small room on the second floor, William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564.

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The Brontës

The Brontës

The story of the famous and talented Вrontë family is strange and unusual.

The BrontësThe Вrontë children — five girls and a boy — lived with their father and aunt in Yorkshire.

All the children were in poor health. Two of the girls died while they were still at school. Bramwell, the boy, was good at writing poetry. But he died at the age of 31. Anne, who wrote poetry and two novels, died at 29.

Emily who became world famous as the author of “Wuthering Heights” died a year after the book was published in 1847.

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Robert Burns


R.Burns was the greatest poet of the 18th century. He is famous all over Scotland. One has only to speak to Scotchmen to feel the deep love and admiration for their outstanding countryman.Robert Burns

R.Burns was born in the picturesque village of Alloway. His father was a poor farmer, but it was from his father that Robert received his learning and his love for books. His mother had a beautiful voice and taught him old Scottish songs and ballads, which he later turned into his best poems. At the age of 13 Robert began to work on the farm together with his father. Robert was a handsome young man, but he often suffered from illnesses because of the hard work and bad food.

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O HenryO.Henry’s real name was William Sydney Porter. He is a well-known American writer.

Before he changed his name, he had been a bank office worker, a cowboy, a reporter, and a tramp trying to find a way to make a living.

Читать далее O.Henry

Oscar Wilde


oscar wildeOscar Wilde was born in Dublin, Ireland. His father was a famous Irish surgeon. His mother wrote poetry.

While at Oxford Wilde began writing. He put forth his creed — love of art for art’s sake. He wrote novels, poems, plays and fairy tales.

Читать далее Oscar Wilde

William Shakespeare

My favourite books were written by the English writer William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare

He was born in April, 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon and grew up in his native town. He attended the local grammar school and got quite a good education.

At the age of 5 the boy first saw the perform­ances of the actors. Читать далее William Shakespeare

Mark Twain (1835-1910)


mark twainMark Twain’s real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He was the founder of the realistic American novel of the present day.

Not without reason E.Hemingway wrote: “All mod­ern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called “Huckleberry Finn””.

In his youth he worked as an apprentice-printer, then a river-pilot on the Mississippi, a miner in Nevada, a journalist writing humorous newspaper items under the pseudonym of “Mark Twain”. When Mark Twain worked as a river-pilot he had to measure the depth of the Mississippi and used to say the words which sounded like “Mark Twain”. The phrase actually means “two fathoms deep”.

Mark Twain became famous for his humorous stories about the life of common American people.

Both adults and children enjoy Mark Twain’s books. His mocking humour is based on the common sense of plain people whom the author always describes with warmth of human understanding and sympathy.

His best works are: “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” (1876), “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” (1884), “The Prince and the Pauper” (1882), “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” (1889).

Here are the titles of some Mark Twain’s works with their Russian translations:

“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” — “Приключения Тома Сойера”

“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” — “Приключения Гекльберри Финна”

“The Prince and the Pauper”— “Принц и нищий”

“A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court”— “Янки из Коннектикута при дворе короля Артура”.


an apprentice-printer — ученик печатника

a river-pilot  — лоцман

a pseudonym — псевдоним

to measure — измерять

“two fathoms deep” — глубина в 2 морские сажени (1 са­жень = 182 см). Измеряя глубину лотом, лоцман кричал* “Отметка на 2 сажени”. На английском языке это звучало, “Mark two”. Отсюда и псевдоним “Mark Twain”.

plain people — простые люди

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Jerome K. Jerome


Jerome K. JeromeIn the history of English literature Jerome K. Jerome occupies a modest place. He cannot be compared with such literary figures as Dickens, Thackeray or Bernard Shaw, but he is well known as a writer-humorist not only in his country but in other countries too.

Jerome Klapka Jerome was born in England, on May 2, 1859 in the family of a ruined businessman. Читать далее Jerome K. Jerome

Jack London

Jack London’s (1876-1916) life was the life of hard work.Jack London

He began working at the age of eight. In the years that followed, he did a man’s work, though he was only a boy.

By the time he was twenty-two, he had lived more than most people do in fifty years. He had worked on ships and in factories; he had travelled across the ocean as a sailor, he had tramped from San Francisco to New York with an army of unemployed and back through Canada to Vancouver.

Читать далее Jack London

Ethel Lilian Voynich


Ethel Lilian Voynich was an English writer.Ethel Lilian Voynich

She was born in the family of George Bull, an Irish professor of mathematics. In her youth she had to experience many hardships. Under the influence of her husband, a Polish revolutionary named Mikhail Voynich, she got interested in illegal revolutionary work.

In the 1890s she turned to literature, and in 1897 the novel “The Gadfly” appeared.

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