William Shakespeare (biography)

In time time the actors of the theatre found that there was something out of the ordinary in young Shakespeare. Shakespeare became famous after 1594, but not so much as an actor as for his plays. He wrote his beautiful comedies and moving tragedies, one after another:

“The Taming of the Shrew” — 1596 “A Midnight Dream” — 1596 “Much Ado about nothing” — 1598 “Romeo and Juliet” — 1595 “Hamlet” — 1601 “Othello” — 1604 “King Lear” — 1605 “Macbeth” — 1606

In all he was the author of over thirty plays and a great many poems. When in 1599 a new theatre, “The Globe”, was opened in Black friars, Shakespeare became one of the partners in its management. As an actor he did not continue to be a success. Being tired of this work he did not appear on the stage after 1604.

Although Shakespeare made London his home, he often visited Stratford where his family lived. In 1611 he returned to Stratford twenty-six years after he had left it. Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616, and was buried in a fine old church at Stratford.


there was something out of the ordinary in young Shakespeare — в молодом Шекспире было что-то необычное

being determined to become an actor — решительно настроенный стать актером

to earn a living — зарабатывать на жизнь

The Taming of the Shrew  — “Укрощение строптивой”

A Midnight Dream — “Сон в летнюю ночь”

Much Ado about nothing — “Много шума из ничего”

Othello — “Отелло”

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