Архив метки: История

Топики, темы и сочинения по английскому языку обо всём , что связано с историей разных стран, городов, их традиций, об известных исторических личностях и событиях.

Mikhail Lomonosov

Mikhail LomonosovMikhail Lomonosov was born in 1711 in the family of a fisherman in the northern coastal village of Denisovka not far from Arkhangelsk. When he was ten years of age his father began to take him sea fishing. That dangerous life taught the precocious youngster to observe the phe­nomena of nature more closely. During the long winter nights the boy studied his letters, grammar and arithmetic diligently.

Since he was the son of a peasant, he was refused admission to the town school, so he walked to Moscow. By concealing his peasant origin he gained admission to the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy and for five years lived from hand to mouth on 3 kopecks a day. The noblemen’s sons studying with him made fun of the twenty-year-old giant, who despite their jeers and his own desperate poverty, made rapid progress.

After 5 years came the chance of entering the Acade­my of Sciences as there weren’t enough noble-born students to fill the quota. His ability and diligence attracted the attention of the professors, and as one of the best students he was sent abroad. He spent all the time there in delving into the work of leading European scientists studying chemistry, metallurgy, mining and mathemat­ics. On his return to Russia in 1745 he was made a professor and the first Russian scientist to become a member of the Academy of Sciences.

For versatility Lomonosov has no equal in Russian and world science. Many of his ideas and discoveries won recognition only in the XIXth century. He was the first to discover the vegetable origin of coal, for instance, and as a poet and scientist he played an eminent role in the formation of the Russian literary language, eliminating distortions and unnecessary foreign borrowings. He had a great thirst for knowledge. The great son of the Russian people Mikhail Lomonosov died in 1765. His living memorial is the Moscow University which he founded in 1755. How he would have appreciated the gigantic building which stands on the hills where Napoleon stood in 1812 to watch Moscow bum.


phenomenon (pl. phenomena ) — явление, феномен

diligently  — прилежно, старательно

peasant — крестьянин

to gain admission — добиться принятия

to live from hand to mouth — с трудом перебиваться; кое-как сводить концы с концами

the noblemen’s sons — дети знати

giant — великан

jeers — насмешки

desperate poverty — отчаянная бедность

to delve — рыться (в книгах и т.п.)

scientist — учёный

chemistry — химия

metallurgy — металлургия

mining  — горное дело

mathematics — математика

the Academy of Sciences — Академия наук

versatility — многосторонность

eminent — выдающийся

eliminating distortions and unnecessary foreign borrowings — исключив искажения и ненужные иностранные заимствования

thirst — жажда

to found — закладывать (фундамент), основывать; создавать

to appreciate — ценить

Napoleon — Наполеон

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May 9 is the greatest victory of the Soviet people

“Flying round the Earth in the space-ship I

saw how wonderful our planet was. People,

let us preserve this beauty and not destroy it!”

Yuri Gagarin

May 9 is the greatest victory of the Soviet people

During the war my grandfather was an officer of the Soviet Army. He fought many heroic battles and marched as far as Berlin. On May 9, 1945, the war was over. Everybody was happy. It was the greatest victory of the Soviet people. Читать далее May 9 is the greatest victory of the Soviet people

The American Flag

The American Flag

Lately I’ve visited the United States with a group of teachers and students from my school.usa american flag

I was greatly surprised how Americans honour and treat their flag. The red-white-and-blue flag of the United States is known as “Old Glory “or the “Stars and Stripes.” Читать далее The American Flag

The Tower of London

The Tower of London is one of the most popular historical buildings in London.Tower of LondonThe Tower of London is the oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe. 1000 years ago William the Conqueror decided to build a strong fortress to protect the City of London, which he had just conquered. Читать далее The Tower of London

Victory Day is Sacred Holiday in Our Country

More than 50 years have passed since the end of the war, but Victory Day is the Most Sacred Holiday in Our Country.

Victory Day is Sacred Holiday in Our CountryThe Great Patriotic War was the most difficult trial for the Soviet people and their armed forces. The Soviets rose up in arms to defend their motherland and the entire country became a single military camp. The Soviet soldiers defended every inch of the Soviet soil displaying unprece­dented courage and heroism. Читать далее Victory Day is Sacred Holiday in Our Country


Michelangelo Buonarroti was one of the most famous artists in history. He was a painter, a sculptor, an architect, and a poet. He created some of the world’s most beautiful and most famous paintings and statues.Michelangelo

Michelangelo was born in 1475 in the Italian town of Caprese, near Florence. His family didn’t want him to become an artist. But at the age of twelve, he began to study art with a well-known artist. He learned to draw by copying paintings by other artists. He soon became inter­ested in sculpture, too. At age 21, he went to Rome and began to create the works of art that made him famous. Читать далее Michelangelo

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was an amazing man of almost unlimited interests and talents. He was a scientist, an inventor and a musician. Leonardo was also one of the world’s most famous painters.leonardo da vinci

Leonardo was born in 1452 in the town of Vinci in Italy. His name means “Leonardo of Vinci”. As a boy, he studied reading, writing, mathematics, and Latin.

Leonardo lived during a period known as the Renais­sance. This was a time of renewed interest in art, science, and learning. Leonardo’s father saw his son’s artistic talent and sent him to the nearby city of Florence to study art. Читать далее Leonardo da Vinci

Karl Pavlovich Bryullov

(1799-1852)brullovThe art of “the genius Karl”, as Bryullov was called by his contemporaries, was marked by virtuosity in brushwork, unusual mastery in drawing and a brilliant knowledge of the laws of composition.

Karl Bryullov was essentially an adherent of the Russian Romantic Movement. Like the French romantic painter Delacroix he often chose as his theme a dramatic historical event. Читать далее Karl Pavlovich Bryullov

Jerome K. Jerome


Jerome K. JeromeIn the history of English literature Jerome K. Jerome occupies a modest place. He cannot be compared with such literary figures as Dickens, Thackeray or Bernard Shaw, but he is well known as a writer-humorist not only in his country but in other countries too.

Jerome Klapka Jerome was born in England, on May 2, 1859 in the family of a ruined businessman. Читать далее Jerome K. Jerome

Jack London

Jack London’s (1876-1916) life was the life of hard work.Jack London

He began working at the age of eight. In the years that followed, he did a man’s work, though he was only a boy.

By the time he was twenty-two, he had lived more than most people do in fifty years. He had worked on ships and in factories; he had travelled across the ocean as a sailor, he had tramped from San Francisco to New York with an army of unemployed and back through Canada to Vancouver.

Читать далее Jack London