Abraham Lincoln

But Lincoln trusted that he was doing the right thing. In January 1863, he issued a document called the Eman­cipation Proclamation. He declared that all slaves, even those in the Confederate States, would be free. This action helped end slavery in the United States.

Near the end of the war, Union victories helped Lincoln win a second term as president. The war ended on April 9, 1865.

Five days later, Lincoln and his wife went to see a play at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, DC. As they watched from a balcony, a man named John Wilkes Booth crept up behind them. He shot Lincoln in the head. Then he leaped down onto the stage and ran away.

Lincoln died the next morning, April 15, 1865. A funeral train carried him slowly home to Illinois. People stood weeping by the railroad tracks the whole way. One of the people said, “Now he belongs to the ages”.

These words have since become famous.


to trust (v.)  — верить

the Emancipation Proclamation — (ист.) Манифест (Линкольна) об освобождении рабов

crept up behind them  (1 ф. to creep) — подкрался сзади них

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