Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln became a US congressman in 1847. He served one term, and then returned to his law practice in Illinois. But the spread of slavery into new states and territories caused him to go back into politick. He and his opponent, Senator Stephen A.Douglas, debated each other seven times. Douglas won the election, but Lincoln gained national fame for his stand against slavery.

Two years later, Lincoln ran for president. Upset about abrahamlincoln1Lincoln’s views on slavery, the southern states threatened to withdraw from the United Stated if he was elected. When Lincoln won the election, the southern states left the Union and formed the Confederate States of America. The Civil War began in April 1861, a month after Lincoln became president.

The war years were very hard for President Lincoln. People blamed him when the North lost battles. He was deeply hurt by the great loss of life on both sides.


the spread of slavery — распространение рабства

politics — политика

gained national fame — завоевал национальную славу

his stand against slavery — его позиция (убеждение) против рабства

to run for president — выставлять свою кандидатуру на пост президента

to withdraw from the United States — выйти из состава Соединенных Штатов

the Confederate States of America  — (ист.) конфедерация 11-ти южных штатов Америки

Не was deeply hurt — он глубоко страдал (его задевало за живое)

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