Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was one of the most amazing musicians who ever lived. At the age of only 5 years he was playing concerts all by himself on the harpsichord — an instrument that is something like the piano. Wolfgang’s father, Leopold Mozart, was also a musician and composer. He took his talented young son to many cities in Europe and arranged for him to play for kings and nobles. For part of the year, father and son travelled. The rest of the year, they were at home in Austria with Wolfgang’s mother and sister.
Mozart soon began to write music as well as play it. By the time he was eight, orchestras were playing his compositions. He spent the rest of his life playing and composing music. He wrote more than 40 symphonies for orchestras to play, and many concertos for piano and orchestra. He also wrote operas, including “The Marriage of Figaro”, still one of the most popular in the world.
Mozart had many disappointments and never earned a very good living. He died in 1791, when he was only 35 years old.
harpsichord — клавесин
nobles — дворяне
concerto — концерт (музыкальное произведение)
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