Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey is a national shrine where the kings and queens are crowned and famous people are buried.

Founded by Edward the Confessor in 1050, the Abbey was a monastery for a long time.

Since William I almost every English monarch has been crowned in this great church, which contains the tombs and memorials of many of Britain’s most eminent citizens.

One of the greatest treasures of the Abbey is the oaken Coronation Chair made in 1300.

Near the West Door of the Abbey the Unknown Warrior lies on a simple grave commemorating the men who died in the First World War.

The Abbey is also known for its Poets’ Corner, where many of the greatest English writers are buried: Chaucer and Charles Dickens, Tennyson and Thomas Hardy. Here too are monuments to Shakespeare, Burns, Byron, Scott, Thackeray and Longfellow.


a national shrine — национальная (народная) святыня

to bury — хоронить

confessor — духовник, исповедник

monarch — монарх

a tomb — могила (с надгробием)

eminent — выдающийся, замечательный

Chaucer  (1340 — 1400) — Чосер, автор “Кентерберийских рассказов”, “отец английской поэзии”.

Tennyson (1809 — 1892) — Теннисон, английский поэт

Thomas Hardy (1840 — 1928) — Томас Харди — английский писатель и поэт

Shakespeare — Шекспир

Byron — Байрон

Thackeray — Теккерей

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