A Day at School

The break for lunch lasts about an hour. After lunch, there is still time to go out and play. In the summer everyone wants to go outside in the sun, but in the winter everyone tries to hide in the cloakrooms. The older boys and girls, who act as perfects, make the others go outside, so that they get some fresh air. It is not good for children to be indoors all day. But when it is raining, of course, the perfects let the boys and girls go into the classrooms and read, or play quietly. Lots of children do their homework, so that they will be free in the evening to go out with their friends, or to watch TV.

At 2 o’clock, lessons start again. In this school the children do not only do lessons like history, geography and maths: the girls learn to type and sew, and to cook, and the boys do metal-work and wood-work. Some schools also allow girls to do metal-work if they want to — they make jewellery for themselves — and teach cookery to boys. It is very useful to be able to cook for yourself, if your mother is away. Many of the boys who learn cookery at school go on to be chefs in large hotels or restaurants.

At 3 o’clock, it is time for games. In English schools, the girls usually play hockey in the winter and tennis in the summer: the boys play football in the winter and cricket in the summer.

Lessons finish at 4. The children collect the books they need to do their homework, hurry to the cloakroom to fetch their hats and coats, and go home. Very soon after 2 o’clock, the school is empty, except for a few children and teachers; one or two children have to stay behind as a punishment. Others are staying for a club or society which has its meeting after school. Then they will go home too, and the school will be empty until tomorrow.


a cloakroom  — раздевалка (гардероб)

perfect — зд. старший

to sew (sewed; sewn; sewed) — шить

jewellery — ювелирные изделия

chef — шеф-повар

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