A Distinguished Personality — Mikhail Lomonosov

A Distinguished Personality

The name of Mikhail Lomonosov is well known to everyone in Russia and in other countries. Maybe some­body doesn’t eveA Distinguished Personality - Mikhail Lomonosovn know what discoveries he had made but every person knows that Lomonosov was an outstand­ing Russian scientist.

He was born in 1711 in a far away northern village. He began to study only since 11 years old. After 8 years had passed Lomonosov went to Moscow and entered the Academy. Then he was sent to St. Petersburg’s Academy and from there to Germany to study chemistry.Soon he became a great scientist. Читать далее A Distinguished Personality — Mikhail Lomonosov

A Day at School

Come and spend a day in an English school!

A Day at SchoolIt is nearly 9 on a Monday morning, and the boys and girls are coming to school again, after having had Saturday and Sunday free.

Some of them walk to school, and some come on their bicycles, and others, who live further away from the school, come by bus. They are wearing their school uniform and carrying their satchels full of books, which they have used to do their homework over the week-end. Читать далее A Day at School

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