In 1851 Fedotov created his famous picture “The Widow”. In a shaft of light from the window, leaning with her elbows on a chest of drawers, stands a young woman — beautiful, lonely and sad. She is in mourning. Her face is of a warm pallor. In one hand she holds a handkerchief with which she wipes her tears. The other hand, resting on a thickening waist, draws our attention to the fact that the young woman will soon become a mother. Behind her, on the chest of drawers, is a portrait of her husband, with whom she has just been mental conversing. The sun has penetrated into the room already, but the candle on the chair still bums, bearing witness to the long silent soliloquy. Next to the portrait hangs an icon. What is the widow praying to God for?
Silver goblets and wine glasses are collected in a basket. Everything in the home has been sealed by the brokers. What faces the young widow, who is so fragile and delicate? Once again all those “accursed” questions arise.
The Widow — “Вдова” (назв. картины)
shaft — луч (света)
in mourning — в трауре
pallor — бледность
mentally — мысленно
to converse — беседовать
to bear witness — свидетельствовать
soliloquy — монолог
goblet — кубок; бокал
accursed — проклятый