New York City

The “Big Apple”, as New York City is nicknamed, has an energy that few other cities can equal. John F.Kennedy International Airport is one of the busiest in the world. More ships come into New York’s harbour than into any other port in the world. The city is a leading manufacturing center. Its chief industries are clothing, printing and publishing. New York can be called the financial capital of the world. The United Nations has its headquarters in Manhattan.

New York is a great cultural and educational center, too. It is the art, music and drama capital of the United States. Its museums, art galleries, libraries, zoos, and botanical gardens are world famous.

If you want to have a good view of New York City, you can do it from the top of the World Trade Center (110 stories) or from the Empire State Building (102 stories). You can see the newest plays and shows on Broadway. If you are interested in art, you should visit the famous Metropolitan Art Museum.

If you want to sit quietly and people-watch, you should go to one of the city’s many parks. The largest of them is Central Park.


to empty — впадать

a borough — (небольшой) город

headquarters — штаб-квартира

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