International Women’s Day had its origin on the East Side of New York in 1908.
Just as May Day was born in the heart of the class struggle in the 1880s so was Women’s Day in the struggle for the rights of working women in 1908.
The women of the East Side-immigrant mothers in crowded-tenements and underpaid workers in firetrap sweatshops were agitated by Socialist Women to fight for votes for women and to join the newly formed needle trade unions.
A demonstration was organized on March 8, 1908, in New York City. It was so dramatic and successful that the Women’s Committee of the Socialist Party decided to make it an annual event. At the next International Socialist Congress in Copenhagen, in 1910, Clara Zetkin of Germany made a motion that the example of the American working women be accepted and March 8 be declared International Women’s Day, dedicated to the fight for equal rights of women in all countries, in all fields. The proposal was accepted unanimously.
International Women’s Day failed, however, to expand in the USA as it did elsewhere. The official suffrage movement led by the middle-and-upper class women rejected it because of its socialist origin. Nor was the trade movement ready to accept it because the right-wing labour leaders did not want the workers’ demand to go beyond wage increases. So while the holiday spread all over the world, it has remained only a dim historical event in the USA.
origin — источник, начало
in the struggle for the rights of working women — в борьбе за равную оплату труда работающих женщин
immigrant — иммигрант
in crowded tenements — в переполненных многоквартирных домах
underpaid workers — низкооплачиваемые рабочие
in firetrap sweatshops — в горячих цехах с тяжелыми условиями труда
to agitate — агитировать
vote — право голоса
needle — игла
trade union — профсоюз
an annual event — ежегодное событие
Copenhagen — Копенгаген
to make a motion — внести предложение
to accept — принимать
to declare — объявлять, провозглашать
dedicated to the fight for equal rights of women in all countries — посвященная борьбе за равные права женщин во всех странах
unanimously — единогласно
failed to expand — не распространился
suffrage — право голоса; избирательное право
to reject — отклонять, отвергать
the workers’ demand to go beyond wage increases — чтобы требования рабочих шли дальше повышения заработной платы
a dim historical event — смутное (забытое) историческое событие
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