Holiday Trips

My grandparents lived in a village not far from the town.2006InTheVillageTH

The trip to the place by car took only two hours and a half even in rainy weather. But in good weather, when the country road was dry, our father could drive at a greater speed and it took us only two hours to get to the place.

My sister and I liked the excitement of those trips, the splendid sights we saw on our way. We never felt bored on the trip because our parents were very interesting companions.

Of course, our father could not talk very much because he had to mind the traffic and pay attention to the road. But we liked when our mother talked with us. It was never a waste of time to talk to my sister. She was always attentive and liked to learn something new.

When the journey was over, it was a great pleasure to my sister and me to see our grandparents.

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