An artist — Vereshchagin

Chief among his Central Asian paintings are the “Rich Kirghiz Hunter with Falcon” (1871), “The Sale of the Child-Slave” (1872) — the latter is a scene taken from life and testifying to the slavery which existed in Central Asia at that time — and the “Gates of Tamerlane” (1872).

In the nineties he painted the series now housed in Moscow Museum of History — “Napoleon in Russia” — devoted to heroic pages of Russian history, the Patriotic War of 1812.

Here, as is the case with all his work, Vershchagin clearly utters his protest against the predatory war and expresses his ardent patriotism.


falcon — сокол

the series — серия

to house — помещать, располагать

Napoleon — Наполеон

to utter one’s protest — выражать протест

the predatory war — грабительская война

ardent — горячий, пылкий

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